Gelber als Gold
Art + Apiculture in the City
12 May – 7 July 2023

Maximilian Prüfer, A Gift from Him, 2018, 4K-Video, Courtesy the artist
Joan Jonas, Katharina Deml, Katrin Petroschkat & Susanne Schmitt, Maximilian Prüfer, Christoph Scheuerecker
Munich's art institutions are buzzing. Haus der Kunst, Gasteig HP8, Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Lenbachhaus and Neue Pinakothek: they all have beehives on the roof or in the garden. And sometimes it is even artists who look after the bee colonies in a double capacity. The new exhibition at ERES Projects brings Art and Apiculture together in the city. With five artistic positions, the intersection of art and beekeeping is presented from a local and lively perspective. The show is a cooperation with Biotopia LAB. There will be a lecture there in July that is likely to cause a surprise. Because: urban bees may not always be worth their weight in gold ...
Donnerstag, 29. Juni 2023, 16 Uhr
Präsentation der Installation Barfly / Drinks for insects durch Katrin Petroschkat & Susanne Schmitt mit Degustation von Pflanzendestillaten.
Im Anschluss Einblicke in Münchens Apikultur mit Katharina Deml: Spaziergang zum Garten der Akademie der Bildenden Künste mit Kamerafahrt ins Innere der Bienenstöcke sowie Honigverkostung und Honigverkauf.
In cooperation with Biotopia LAB – Naturkundemuseum Bayern
Wednesday, 5 July 2023, 6 pm, Biotopia LAB
Vortrag Honigbienen versus Wildbienen – Kooperation oder Konkurrenz
PH Dr. Andreas Fleischmann, Kurator der Botanischen Staatssammlung München