ERES Foundation

Art + Natural Science
Our knowledge-based society is at a crossroads. In an increasingly complex world, it is up to us to find the answers to questions that will decide our future. This postulates a perception of knowledge that is as multilayered as possible. In a highly visually oriented society, images that can communicate; as opposed to the endless flood of commercial ones in the mass media – have a special mediating role. Who can develop such images and what processes are intrinsic and necessary? The arts and sciences are all too often two distinct worlds. It is precisely on the interface of these two cultures that the ERES Foundation sees its role in opening closed doors and helping to bring about consilience. The ERES Foundation is a recognized non-profit organization. It acts independently of any commercial or political interests and sets its own agenda.
Kunst.Stoff, Kunst und Wissenschaft
© Sky ARTS, 5/2017
(Video: 70.7 MB)
The foundation’s headquarters and main exhibition venue are located in an Art Nouveau building at Römerstrasse 15 in Munich. Contemporary art and the natural sciences engage in stimulating dialogue on 220 square meters of exhibition space in the middle of town. The ERES Foundation displays works of art by both internationally established and young artists who have sensual, associative and surprising approaches to scientific topics. The emotional access to science that art can provide is a central concern of the ERES Foundation. The selection of the exhibited works, therefore, always focuses on the independent and free artistic examination of questions that cast light on the respective topics. Renowned scientists from a wide range of disciplines enrich, deepen and complement the exhibitions and make even complex topics lively and comprehensible. Their lectures and discussions provide exciting insights into current studies, i.e. climate research, genetic engineering, botany or astronomy.
The ERES Foundation fosters dialog between science and the fine arts and seeks perspectives that both fields share and can build upon. Its events and publications are intended as platforms to encourage the current discourse between the arts and sciences and keep that process lively and stimulating. The ERES Foundation is a forum for ideas and visionary concepts. Helping to make the act of perception and the acquisition of knowledge a more tangible and sensuous experience is one of its primary objectives.
The natural sciences provide fascinating images. We can now gaze into distant galaxies or follow the movement of elementary particles. Scientific images show, but leave little room for emotional interpretation. In contrast, the visual arts are free from constraints and create a sensual field of association. Art and science are not opposites. They complement each other in their ways of describing reality. Both artists and scientists are attracted by what is different, what is new, concealed and mysterious. Both need intuition, creativity and a certain lack of respect for prevailing paradigms to create something new. Connecting these two poles can reveal astonishing perspectives.
We conceive and curate exhibitions on the interface of art and the natural sciences. We hold symposiums, panel discussions and lectures open to the public. We publish catalogs of our exhibitions and projects. We support outside projects, particularly exhibitions that fit in with our conceptual framework.
»Kunst ist immer komplex und ein wunderbares Training in komplexem Denken.«
Interview, Parnass, 03/2022, Silvie Aigner
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