Ice Cold
The Dark Side of Power. Fake News, Self-destruction, the Norm and Drops of Water
7 June – 20 October 2018

Judith Neunhäuserer, Passage, 2018, © Judith Neunhäuserer
The term “ICE-COLD”, ambiguously both a phenomenon of nature and a state of mind, is the motif of this exhibition. It is an attempt to portray the social status quo and takes aim at the dark side of political power in light of climate change and fake news as well as the sense of futility and resignation brought about by humanity’s hostility and self-destruction.
In March of 2018, the scientific magazine Science published a study that showed that falsehoods spread by Twitter spread quicker, more often and further that factual news reports. Campaigns of disinformation effectively contest human responsibility for global warming. Conspiracy theories are booming, hiding behind deliberately launched fake news, and threatening liberal society.
For the thematically complex project ICE-COLD. The Dark Side of Power, the ERES Foundation is particularly proud to have acclaimed German artist Stephan as the exhibition curator. Huber juggles with the diverse aspects of the subject matter, breaks out of rigid perspectives, and allows the thoughtfully selected and precisely calibrated works of art speak for themselves and in relation to one another: Ice-Cold but with poetic artistic license.
Curator: Stephan Huber
Program: Dr. Sabine Adler
Ken Adam, Chris Burden, Felix Burger, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Stephan Huber, Mathias Kessler, Sigalit Landau, Gerhard Merz, Judith Neunhäuserer, Hermann Pitz, Spencer Platt, Andreas Schmitten, Emma Stibbon

Emma Stibbon, Broken Ground I (Detail), 2017, © Emma Stibbon / Galerie Bastian, Berlin

Hermann Pitz, Goccie d’Aqua, 1988, © Hermann Pitz, VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2018, Foto: ERES Stiftung / Thomas Dashuber

Felix Burger, Coldness as a Metaphor, 2018, © Felix Burger / director of photography: Lion Bischof, Foto: ERES Stiftung / Thomas Dashuber

Stephan Huber, Letzte Tage, 2018, © Stephan Huber, VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2018, Foto: ERES Stiftung / Thomas Dashuber
Tuesday, 3 July 2018, 7 pm
Prof. Dr. Stefan Römer, Art Critic/Historian, Berlin University of the Arts
No Original – Fake and Appropriation Art. Fake as an Artistic Strategy (in German) -
Wednesday, 18 July 2018, 7 pm
Die Künstler Felix Burger, Stephan Huber, Mathias Kessler, Judith Neunhäuserer, Hermann Pitz und Andreas Schmitten diskutieren über Fake News, Verschwörungstheorien, Selbstzerstörung, Wassertropfen, Kühlschränke und eiskalte Tage in der Antarktis.
Moderation: Dr. Heinz Schütz -
Saturday, 15 September 2018, 3 pm
Logbuch der letzten Antarktisexpedition, Live-Szene 2018
Performance zur Arbeit von Judith Neunhäuserer mit Anna-Maria Hirsch und Karen M. Ernst
Anschließend Führung durch die Ausstellung EISKALT -
Monday, 17 September 2018, 7 pm
Prof. Stephan Lewandowsky FAcSS, Psychologist, University of Bristol
“Alternative facts”, climate change and conspiracy theories (in English)
Followed by an artist talk with Emma Stibbon
Accompanying the exhibition is a catalogue, 128 pages (german/english), EUR 10,00
Order via Catalogues

Wohltuend unverfroren
Bayerische Staatszeitung, 31. August 2018, Alexander Altmann
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Raum für Reflektion
IN München, 14/2018, Barbara Teichelmann
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Parnass, 03/2018
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Münchner Feuilleton, Juli 2018, Erika Waecker-Babnik
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EISKALT. Die dunkle Seite der Macht
Deutschlandradio, Corso, 8. Juni 2018, Julian Ignatowitsch -
Die Großwetterlage der Menschheit
Süddeutsche Zeitung, 7. Juni 2018, Evelyn Vogel
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Tropfenweise Wahrheit
Süddeutsche Zeitung Extra, 7. Juni 2018, Evelyn Vogel
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EISKALT. Die dunkle Seite der Macht
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Wahrheit und Lüge im Dauerclinch
Deutschlandfunk Kultur, 5. Juni 2018