The Bird Show
Birds between freedom, war and quantum mechanics
11 April – 27 July 2024

Gerrit Frohne-Brinkmann, Dirty Parrots, 2024, Courtesy the artist and Galerie Noah Klink, Foto: ERES Stiftung, Thomas Dashuber
© München TV, Culture Talk, Markus Stampfl, 5. Mai 2024
(Video: 225.99 MB)
Monira Al Qadiri, Thorsten Brinkmann, Mark Dion, Max Ernst, Gerrit Frohne-Brinkmann, Henrik Håkansson, Petrit Halilaj, Carsten Höller, Nicolas II Huet, Anna Jermolaewa, Šejla Kamerić, Nira Pereg, Elodie Pong, Harald Popp, Walid Raad, Robert Rauschenberg, Boris Saccone, Niloufar Shirani, Nora Turato
Birds fly wherever they want, unbound, independent, regardless of national borders. And yet they sometimes get caught between the fronts, as the recent case of a pigeon released in India, which is said to have been spying for China, shows. The symbol of peace as a secret agent on behalf of rival powers?
This spring, the ERES Foundation is focussing on the biology, anatomy and symbolism of birds. The enormous diversity of the more than 10,000 bird species worldwide is concentrated in a dense synopsis of contemporary art positions, which focuses on the attractive symbolic power of the animals as identity-forming creatures as well as their brilliant sensory perception and their inner magnetic compass. This has made them useful assistants to the military in a wide variety of wars, from the Crusaders to the present day. The unique physique of birds and their ability to navigate fascinate engineers and AI experts alike, making hawks and chickens role models for new developments in bionics and robotics. The exhibition also follows the spectacular migration of birds, the secret of which, according to the latest studies, is probably also rooted in quantum mechanics. Birds connect habitats, resources and biological processes, but their outstanding adaptability is also at risk in times of global species change.
The ERES Foundation gallery becomes an “aviary of diversity”, where “dirty parrots” meet “famous pigeons”, while flamingos duck away under imaginary fire and canaries warn of poison gas. The show invites to go birding – without binoculars!
Scientific Program
Thursday, 16 May 2024, 7 pm
Bionic Manufacturing
Wie das Nama-Flughuhn Wasser in die Wüste bringt
Ass. Prof. Dr. Jochen Müller
Direktor des Labors für digitale Fabrikation und programmierbare Werkstoffe
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USAEin Video des Vortrags finden Sie unter → Videos
Friday, 7 June 2024, 7 pm
Quantum Birds
Naturwunder Vogelzug: Geben quantenmechanische Effekte die Richtung vor?
Prof. Dr. Henrik Mouritsen, AG Neurosensorik / Animal Navigation, Institut für Biologie und Umweltwissenschaften
Carl von Ossietzky Universität OldenburgEin Video des Vortrags finden Sie unter → Videos
Tuesday, 11 June 2024, 7 pm
Flying Robots
Raubvögel als Blaupause für beflügelte Drohnen
(in englischer Sprache)
Prof. Dr. Dario Floreano
Direktor des Labors für intelligente Systeme
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Lausanne (EPFL)In his lecture, Prof Dr Dario Floreano presented brand new results of his research that have not yet been published. We have permission to show the recording as a video as soon as they have been published. We will keep you informed via our newsletter.
Accompanying the exhibition is a catalogue (german/english), EUR 10,00
Order via Catalogues

Vogelbeobachtung im Ausstellungsraum
Parnass, 10. Juni 2024, Judith Koller
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Von Tauben und Menschen
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Vögel blicken dich an
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Ironie und Apokalypse
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The Bird Show
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Auf den Vogel gekommen: Die Eres-Stiftung zeigt eine »Bird Show«
Bayern2, 11. April 2024, Barbara Knopf
Audio + Artikel auf

© Bayern2, kulturWelt, Barbara Knopf, 11. April 2024
(Audio: 9.13 MB)